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Do Safety Features Lower Car Insurance?

 Do safety features lower car insurance rates? The answer to this question is more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no.” In general, the more effective the safety feature is, the more likely it is to lead to a discount on your car insurance policy. However, not all safety features are created equal—some may even have the opposite effect and raise your rates.


What are some common safety features?

Some common safety features in modern cars include airbags, electronic stability control, and shatter resistant glass. Airbags provide protection in the event of a collision, while electronic stability control helps to keep the car stable on the road. Shatter resistant glass provides a windshield that breaks into numerous, harmless pieces in the event of an accident. 

These safety features have come a long way in recent years and play an important role in keeping drivers and passengers safe on the road.

Do safety features make a car insurance policy more expensive?

Many people believe that cars with enhanced safety features cost more to insure. However, this is not always the case. In fact, many insurance providers offer policy discounts for vehicles with certain safety features. 

So, while it is true that some safety features can make repairs more expensive, on balance they can actually save you money on your car insurance policy.

Are there any exceptions to this rule?

Are there any exceptions to this rule? This is a question that often comes up when discussing rules and exceptions. The answer, however, is not as simple as it may seem. While it is true that there are exceptions to every rule, it is also important to remember that these exceptions do not invalidate the rule itself. Instead, they simply serve to emphasize the importance of following the rule in most cases.

It is important to remember that rules are designed to protect us and help us stay safe. They are not meant to be broken or ignored. However, there are times when breaking a rule is the best course of action. In these cases, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits of doing so before making a decision.

There are many reasons why someone might choose to break a rule. Maybe they feel like they have a good reason for doing so, or maybe they simply don't want to follow the rules because they don't agree with.

How do safety features impact my premium?

While it is certainly true that cars with advanced safety features can sometimes enjoy lower insurance rates, this is not always the case. In fact, in many instances, the opposite is true and these same cars can actually see their premiums rise. 

This is because when such cars are involved in accidents, the repairs can be very costly. As a result, drivers should not purchase a car solely based on the impact that it will have on their insurance rates. Instead, they should focus on purchasing a car that will keep them safe on the road.

Does it make sense to get rid of older, less safe cars?

As cars become more complicated, it may make less sense to keep an older car. While Orman says it's best if you can buy a car outright, if you do need to take out of a loan, she suggests choosing a car you can afford to pay off quickly. 

Newer used vehicles typically cost more than older ones, as they usually have less wear and tear. And used cars with lower mileage usually cost more than older, higher-mileage cars. But now seniors can fight back with evidence from the insurers themselves. 

An Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study shows that fatality rates are four times higher in single-vehicle crashes involving drivers age 80 and older.

How can I get the most discounts for safety features?

You can get the most discounts on your car insurance by having a vehicle equipped with safety features like anti-lock brakes, air bags, and daytime running lights. Most car insurance companies offer discounts for these safety features, and the discounts can vary depending on the company. It's always a good idea to ask about discounts when you're shopping for car insurance.

Are there other ways to lower my car insurance rates?

Yes, there are other ways to lower your car insurance rates. One way is to increase your deductible. By doing this, you will be responsible for a larger portion of any damages that occur in an accident. 

This will make you a less risky driver in the eyes of the insurance company, and they will offer you a lower rate. Another way to lower your rates is to take a defensive driving course. This demonstrates to the company that you are willing to learn how to drive safely, and they will offer you a discount on your rates. 

Finally, you can get a quote online. Many companies offer discounts for drivers who quote their car insurance online. By shopping around and taking advantage of these discounts, you can significantly lower your car insurance rates.
