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The customs and traditions surrounding marriage vary greatly from culture to culture. However, there are some commonalities that can be found across the globe. For example, many cultures believe that it is important for the bride to wear a crown or headdress of some kind. 

 Marriage customs around the world

This is often done in order to deflect evil spirits or protect the bride from harm. In other cultures, the groom may be required to drink sake with his father-in-law as a way of bonding before the wedding ceremony. And in India, it is not uncommon for the bride and groom to get matching tattoos as a sign of their love and commitment to one another.

Arranged Marriages

Arranged marriages are a type of marital union where the bride and groom are primarily chosen by third parties, such as parents or other relatives. Arranged marriages have existed for centuries in various cultures around the world and continue to be popular to this day. This practice generally involves the Hindu people in India and the United Kingdom, though arranged marriages can be found in other cultures as well.

For many, arranged marriages are seen as a relic of a bygone age. However, they are still surprisingly popular in many parts of the world. In Bangladesh, for example, arranged marriages symbolize the alliance of two families. They also involve the concept of bridewealth, or the bride being "bought" from her parents before the wedding. After the ceremony, the newly married couple presents a variety of gifts to the bride's family.

Arranged marriages are often featured as those in which the spouses are chosen for one another by third parties to the marriage. While


Dowries have been a part of marriage customs around the world for centuries. In some cultures, a dowry is seen as a way for the bride's family to help support the new marriage financially. In others, it is seen as a way for the groom's family to show their wealth and status. In some parts of Asia, the dowry is even seen as a way to ensure that the bride will be well taken care of in her new home. No matter what the culture, though, dowries are usually seen as a necessary part of getting married.

Today, dowries are still common in many parts of the world. In some cultures, the dowry is paid by the bride's family to the groom's family before the wedding. In others, it is paid after the wedding ceremony. Either way, though, it is usually expected that the dowry will be paid in order to complete the marriage agreement.

Dowries can be quite


Handfasting is a beautiful, symbolic marriage ceremony, or ritual, and is believed to span several cultures dating back thousands of years. The popularity of handfasting ceremonies are on the rise as couples look for alternative ways to personalize their wedding ceremony. 

As a form of betrothal or unofficiated wedding, handfasting was common up through Tudor England; as a form of temporary marriage, it was practiced in medieval Scotland. A community event, typically including a large feast, handfastings were a public declaration of marriage intent.

The handfasting ritual is one of the oldest wedding customs in the world, and it was how engagements and marriages were symbolised and solemnised in many cultures. The term 'the knot' actually originates from the handfasting ceremonies! As Collins explains, the officiant or minister will tie knots around the couple's wrists as they recite their vows. Then, while the couple has their hands bound to each other, they

Love marriages

Love marriages are those in which the couples choose their own partners, usually with the consent of their parents. These marriages are becoming more and more popular all over the world, as they allow couples to have a say in who they marry. This is in contrast to arranged marriages,

 where the parents or other older relatives choose the spouse for their child. Arranged marriages are still common in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia. However, even in these cultures, love marriages are becoming more common.


Different cultures have different customs when it comes to marriage. In some cultures, polygamy is practiced. This means that a man can have more than one wife. Polygamy is most often found in sub-Saharan Africa, where 11% of the population lives in arrangements that include more than one spouse. In the United States, polygamy is not as common, but there are some states that recognize polygamous marriages. 

This study aimed to ascertain the psychological impact of polygamous marriage on women and children worldwide. Methods. A systematic search was conducted using three electronic databases. The search yielded 31 studies, of which 21 were included in the final data synthesis. Results. The review revealed that polygamy has a negative impact on the mental health of women and children. 

Women in polygamous marriages are at increased risk for anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Children in polygamous families are also more likely to experience psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, and conduct disorders.Conclusion: Polygamy has a
