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How to Get Cheap Car Insurance when You're a Young Adult Driver

 There are a few things young drivers can do to get cheaper car insurance. One is to reduce their mileage. Even on a standard policy that doesn't charge specifically by the mile, fewer miles driven means lower risk and thus lower rates. Another way to get cheaper car insurance as a young driver is to stay on your parents' policy. 


This can be a great way to save money, as long as you don't mind being listed as an occasional driver on their policy. Finally, assigning the right car to the young driver can make a big difference in rates. If the car is newer and has safety features like airbags and ABS brakes, it will be much cheaper to insure than an older model without these features.

Consider a usage-based insurance program

If you're a young adult driver looking for ways to get cheap car insurance, consider a usage-based insurance program. Usage-based insurance programs base your rates on how much you actually drive, rather than on factors like your age or location. This can be a great way to save money if you're a safe driver who doesn't log many miles.

Get quotes from multiple insurers

It's always a good idea to get quotes from multiple insurers when you're shopping for car insurance. By doing so, you can compare rates and coverage options to find the best policy for your needs. Plus, you may be able to save money by getting multiple quotes.

Increase your deductible

One way to lower your car insurance rates as a young adult driver is to increase your deductible. By increasing your deductible, you will be responsible for paying more out of pocket in the event of an accident. However, this will also lower your monthly premium costs. If you are a safe driver with a clean driving record, this is a great way to save money on your car insurance coverage.

Keep your driving record clean

A clean driving record is essential for anyone who wants to be a safe and responsible driver. There are a few key things you can do to make sure your driving record stays clean.

 First, be sure to obey all traffic laws and avoid any moving violations. Second, if you are involved in an accident, be sure to document the surrounding circumstances and take responsibility for your role in the accident. Finally, take a safe driver course to brush up on your skills and knowledge. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your driving record stays clean and that you are a safe and responsible driver.

Limit your coverage to save money

You don't need to have comprehensive and collision insurance on an older car. Instead, save money by dropping these coverage types and opting for liability-only insurance. If your car is worth $3,000 or less, you can find liability-only policies for around $25 per month. This will save you a significant amount of money every year.

Shop around for the best rates

When shopping for a mortgage, it is important to compare rates from different lenders to ensure you are getting the best deal. Advertised rates may not be accurate, so it is important to speak with multiple lenders to get an accurate rate quote. Additionally, rates can change every six months, so it is important to check back periodically to make sure you are still getting the best rate possible.

Stay on your parents\' policy (if you qualify)

Staying on your parents' health insurance policy is a great way to save money and maintain coverage. If you're under 26 years old, you can stay on your parent's plan for any reason, even if you're married, eligible for an employer's health insurance. This is allowed even if you live in a different state than your parents. 

The Affordable Care Act allows young adults to remain covered by their parents' insurance plan until they turn 26, regardless of whether they are attending school, working, or living away from home. Once you turn 18, your health care bills are ultimately your responsibility, and so is having health insurance.

 Having health insurance is important to protect yourself financially in case of an accident or illness. If you don't have health insurance and something happens, you could be responsible for thousands of dollars in medical bills. Staying on your parents' health insurance policy is a smart way to save money and maintain coverage until you're ready to get your own policy.
