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What You Need to Know About Car Insurance and Hurricane Damage

 If you're wondering whether your car insurance will cover hurricane damage, the answer is: it depends. Some policies will leave motorists footing the bill, while other plans will cover all repair costs. If you want your auto insurance company to cover any damage to your vehicle after a hurricane, you'll need collision and comprehensive coverage.


 Comprehensive coverage is one of the two types of insurance coverages you'll need to be adequately covered from hurricane damage. Sadly, hurricanes are not an uncommon occurrence, so it's important to make sure you're prepared. Your car insurance policy won't cover hurricane or flood damage to your car.

 Liability insurance is designed to take care of damages you might cause to someone else, but it won't help you if your own car is damaged in a weather-related incident. So if you live in an area that's prone to hurricanes, make sure you have comprehensive coverage as part of your car insurance policy.

Do you need hurricane insurance?

If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, it is important to have hurricane insurance. Most standard homeowners policies will cover some damage caused by hurricanes, but not all damage. If your home is damaged by a hurricane, you may need to pay for additional living expenses if you are displaced from your home. A hurricane insurance deductible is typically based on a percentage of the home's insured value.

What does hurricane insurance cover?

As we know, hurricane insurance is a combination of insurance policies you can purchase to protect your home from hurricane damage, including wind damage, storm surge damage, and rain damage. But what does hurricane insurance actually cover?

Homeowners insurance policies typically cover damage from strong winds, including hurricanes. However, your policy may have a separate deductible for hurricane-related damages. Insurance companies may charge higher premiums for homes in high-risk coastal areas.

What does this mean for you? If you live in a high-risk area, it's important to read your policy carefully to understand what is and is not covered. You may need to purchase additional coverage to protect your home from hurricane damage.

What is the National Flood Insurance Program?

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a federally-backed insurance program that helps property owners, renters and businesses recover from flood damage. The program encourages communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management practices to help reduce the socio-economic impact of flooding.

What is windstorm insurance?

Windstorm insurance is a type of insurance that covers damage to your vehicle that is caused by high winds. This can include damage from a hurricane, tornado, or other severe weather event. Windstorm insurance will not cover the repair or replacement of a vehicle that is damaged by a wind-toppled tree or other blowing debris.

 If you have comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy, you're probably covered in the event of a hurricane. Sadly, hurricanes are not an uncommon occurrence in many parts of the United States. If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, it's important to make sure you have the right level of coverage in place. Otherwise, you could be left with a hefty bill for repairs.

How much does hurricane insurance cost?

Most homeowners have to pay around $2,179 per year to fully protect their home from a hurricane. The average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida is $1,951 and the average cost of flood insurance is $723. However, the cost of windstorm insurance varies by location and risk. The annual average cost for windstorm insurance in coastal Florida is $2,600.

 Homeowners pay an average of $2,043 per year for a $150,000 house, while landlords pay around $2,340 per year and condo owners pay about $600 per year. The average cost of home insurance is $1,899 and the average cost of flood insurance is $738.

 Hurricane coverage is not separate from your home insurance. That means your home insurance premium includes this coverage. The average cost of hurricane insurance will start between $1,971 and $2,161 in zones of low to moderate risk (for average homes where wind speeds are 110 mph or less). Hurricane
